Welcome back to the STIMULANT WEEKLY NEWSLETTER. This is your only source for credible information regarding anything.
I’m not really sure
how the genre: newsletter
how it do
what to do
this is a poem
this isn’t a poem
it’s a newsletter
the man was wearing a red sweater
with a hammer and sickle on it the daughter
Hello Kitty backpack my dog looks like a nun
when he is under the covers and he growls at me
when I get too close he does it because he loves me
in Poland everyone smokes indoors and it is
impossible to tell the difference between policemen
and bus drivers all caps are the same caps
I want you to detain me so that you can
be in my apartment and spy on the room opposite my apartment
I want to hear everything that is said about me at a party without being at the party
I want smoky, yellowed walls but I never
want to smoke indoors I want my day to go on after
dinner I want to watch all the "explained" videos
i want my medicine to run out so i'm forced to
i wonder what the swedish version of "move to LA"
is maybe it's to move to LA or Stockholm
but even stockholmers have to go somewhere
when they want to get piggy like little pigs
i wonder if you ever feel independent from your
parents when they die i hope so i hope not i'm not a person
I want to be able to announce that I vomited in a urinal
as straightforwardly as a president lies about
civilian casualties I want to rise up to the sky let
it disappear behind me as if it never had power over me
I don't want to burn the sky I want it to self-ignite while
I'm alive our god is suicidal he does it all the time
and we are created in his image I want to find something
more beautiful than the sky then I want that too
the sun has burned too long
it can ash itself now
God bless you. It’s Charlie Zacks. I’m in Paris right now waiting for people to reply to my emails. Stimulant is thriving. We will soon take over the world.
I am so fucking happy to have Ali Alonzo’s poetry in this week’s newsletter. This guy is incredible. I met him at a book signing in Stockholm for the Swedish translation of Jon Lindsey’s book Body High (excellent, by the way). Ali immediately had this charm to him and later that night, I was fortunate enough to watch him eat the microphone at SoHo house for the L’amour - La Mort launch which was phenomenal despite my lack of Swedish.
Anyways, as you probably know, we have closed submissions for This Will Save You which means we are now officially in the review process. We will get back to all of our wonderful submissive people soon regarding who made the final cut.
No hard feelings, we have very particular tastes. Seriously.
Get hip:
Sam Pink’s new short story in Southwest Review.
Christine Brache’s new poetry collection Goodnight Sweet Thing.
Christine Brache interviewed by Allie Rowbottom in the LA Review of Books.
New album from Mercer James Roberts How Are You Gonna Spit on the Truth.
New song from Alexander Panos, “aperture, for meadow”.
Albin Duvkär’s Substack article about Peter Vack’s novel Sillyboy.
Tao Lin on mainstream media.
Isiah Medina’s 2023 film He Thought He Died is now free on Vimeo.
Tomas Dessureault needs a roommate in Montréal.
Order some shirts designed by Charlie Zacks from here.